Identify a theory that uses a concept of interest to you that can be applied in

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Identify a theory that uses a concept of interest to you that can be applied in research and nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration). This is a scholarly paper in which headings, full sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar and punctuation, and correct citation of sources are required. 
The theory you select will be the same theory used for each assignment in the future modules.
Theory Description:
Provide a brief description of the theory using an original source or as close to the original source as possible.   Include a brief discussion of the origins of the theory and the scope/level (grand, middle range, practice/situation specific) of the theory.  Identify the major concepts of the theory and discuss how they are related (propositions).  Pick two of the concepts, including your concept of interest, and state theoretical definitions of these concepts. 
Style & Format:
The paper will be written using APA standards. The paper will include a title page (using specified format), 2-3 pages of text, and a reference list.  It will be double-spaced, written in 12-point Times New Roman font, and have 1-inch margins.  Scholarly and orderly presentation of ideas (precision, clarity, format, headings, grammar, spelling, & punctuation) with appropriate citation of sources in text and reference list is required.  Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each type of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error.
Submission Instructions:
Only primary sources and empirical research articles are to be used for this assignment. Secondary sources such as, textbooks, literature reviews, systematic reviews, dissertations and concept analyses are NOT to be used.
Submit as a Word document.
View Rubric:
Module 2 Assignment
Criteria Ratings Pts
Brief discussion of theory origins, scope/level of theory and how the theory relates to the concept of interest (20 pts)
20 pts
Clear, correct discussion of origins of theory, scope/level of theory, and how the theory relates to the concept of interest (20 pts)
15 pts
Limited discussion of origins of theory, scope/level of theory, and how the theory relates to the concept of interest (15 pts)
10 pts
Identified origins of theory, scope/level of theory, and how the theory relates to the concept of interest with minimal discussion in 1-2 areas (10 pts)
5 pts
Identified origins of theory, OR scope/level of theory, OR how the theory relates to the concept of interest AND minimum to poor discussion. (5 pts)
0 pts
Origins of theory, scope/level of theory, and how the theory relates to the concept of interest not discussed or poorly discussed (0 pts)
/ 20 pts
Identification of major theory concepts (minimum of 3 concepts) (20 pts)
20 pts
Correctly identifies all major concepts (20 pts)
15 pts
Identifies some (50- 75%) of major concepts (15 pts)
10 pts
Identifies few (25-50%) of major concepts (10 pts)
5 pts
Incorrectly identified concepts (5 pts)
0 pts
Concepts not identified (0 pts)
/ 20 pts
Brief discussion of relationships among main concepts (propositions) within the theory (20 pts)
20 pts
Clear, correct discussion of relationships (20 pts)
15 pts
Limited discussion of some (50 -75%) relationships (15 pts)
10 pts
Limited discussion of all relationships OR poor discussion of some relationships (10 pts)
5 pts
Incorrectly identified relationships OR poor discussion of all relationships (5 pts)
0 pts
Relationships not discussed (0 pts)
/ 20 pts
Theoretical definitions of two concepts. One definition must be that of the concept of interest. (20 pts)
20 pts
Correctly defined two concepts (concept of interest and other concept (20 pts)
15 pts
Correctly defined concept of interest; incorrect definition of other concept (15 pts)
10 pts
Incorrectly defined the concept of interest; correctly defined other concept (10 pts)
5 pts
Concept of interest not defined/identified; other concept defined correctly OR Incorrectly defined both concepts (5 pts)
0 pts
No theoretical definitions (0 pts)
/ 20 pts
Use of original sources (or as close as possible) to describe theory (10 pts)
10 pts
Used 5 or more sources, in the description of theory) with one original source (10 pts)
7.5 pts
Used 4 or more sources, in the description of theory one source close to original (7.5 pts)
5 pts
Used 3 or more sources, in the description of theory one source close to original (5 pts)
2.5 pts
Textbooks were only source OR used only one source close to original, in the description of theory (2.5 pts)
0 pts
No sources used (0 pts)
/ 10 pts
APA Style & Format (10 points total) • Style includes: Professional and orderly presentation of ideas (precision and clarity). Grammar, spelling and punctuation. Minimal use of direct quotes (1-2 max.) • Format includes: Proper use of title page (using specified format), spacing, font, margins, and headings. Appropriate citation of sources in text and reference list. • Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each type of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error. • Up to two points will be deducted for poor headings /insufficient headings/formatting
10 pts
0-2 types of errors (9-10 pts)
8 pts
3-4 types of errors (8 pts)
7 pts
5-6 types of errors (7 pts)
6 pts
7-8 types of errors (6 pts)
0 pts
> 8 types of errors (5 or less pts)
/ 10 pts

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