Put Your Full Name (& Nickname), and HIST 17A, and Section # (ends in Z), and Du

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Put Your Full Name (& Nickname), and HIST 17A, and Section # (ends in Z), and Due Date with Year, in Heading
1st paragraph Plan: — Make a practice main argument for your introduction that specifically answers the assignment about the extent to which the American Revolution was revolutionary, or not? (or only partially?). And explain why (why was it revolutionary, politically, or not, and/or in other ways, or not?). There are different ways of answering this assignment, based on the evidence that each student uses.
— At then end of your first paragraph, explain why this issue is historically significant, or still important, today. Use a specific current event (a U.S. event on the news in the past 1 or 2 years) to help explain the historical significance and ongoing impact today in the U.S. of an issue from the past history.
2nd paragraph Plan:  Reasons for Revolution (and if revolutionary, or not)
— 1st example from document: — Analyze specific grievance (from Decl. Indep. or Common Sense) and if revolutionary or not.
— 2nd different example from document: — Analyze specific grievance (from Decl. Indep. or Common Sense) and if revolutionary or not.
(You must use the assigned document version in Reading the American Past if using “Common Sense.”)
(The Declaration of Independence is in the back of The American Promise textbook.)
— 2 examples of terms from Week 7 on syllabus (1 term from Ch. 6 and 1 term from Ch. 7) in The American Promise: — Analyze how the 2 terms show if reasons for revolution were revolutionary or not.
— For your OUTLINE: — Use a short brief phrase after each one of these examples, above, regarding how the example supports your main argument. — NOTE:  In your PAPER:  The terms you need to define with specifics, based on the The American Promise textbook information, but make sure to use your own words to explain what the terms mean, and in your paper make sure that you analyze the terms and document(s) to support your main argument.
3rd paragraph Plan:  Creation of New Government (and if revolutionary, or not)
— 1 example from document: — Analyze specific example of new government (Warren or Manning) and if revolutionary or not.
(You must use the assigned document version in Reading the American Past or Handouts Set.)
— 1 example from the U.S. Constitution (interior articles and NOT the preamble): — Analyze specific example of new government in U.S. Constitution and if revolutionary or not.
— 1 example from the Bill of Rights (from Amendments 1 – 10): — Analyze specific example of new government in Bill of Rights and if revolutionary or not.
(The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are in the back of The American Promise textbook.)
— 1 example of term from Week 9 on the syllabus (in Ch. 8) in The American Promise: — Analyze how the 1 term shows if a specific example of new government was revolutionary or not.
— For your OUTLINE: — Use a short brief phrase after each one of these examples, above, regarding how the example supports your main argument. — NOTE:  In your PAPER:  The terms you need to define with specifics, based on the The American Promise textbook information, but make sure to use your own words to explain what the terms mean, and in your paper make sure that you analyze the term, document, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights to support your main argument.
4th paragraph Plan:  Impact on Various Groups (and if revolutionary, or not)
(make sure to analyze for at least 2 groups, and analyze re: gender, race, class issues < at least 2 of those) -- 1 example from document (Abigail Adams or Boston King): -- Analyze how 1 document example (from Adams or King) shows if impact for a group was revolutionary or not. (You must use the assigned document version in Reading the American Past or Handouts Set.) -- 1 example from the film, "Mary Silliman's War": -- Analyze how the film shows if impact for a group was revolutionary or not. -- 1 example of a term from Week 10 on the syllabus (in Ch. 9) in The American Promise: -- Analyze how the 1 term shows if the impact for a group was revolutionary. -- For your OUTLINE: -- Use a brief phrase after each of these examples above regarding how the example supports your main argument. -- NOTE:  In your PAPER:  The terms you need to define with specifics, based on The American Promise textbook information, but make sure to use your own words to explain what the terms mean, and in your paper, make sure that you analyze the term, document, and film to support your main argument. 5th Paragraph Plan:   -- Restate your practice's main argument excitingly in your conclusion. -- Also restate why the history is significant, or still important, today. -- To help do this, restate how the current event (a U.S. event on the news in the past 1 or 2 years) -- that you mentioned in your 1st paragraph -- helps reveal the historical significance and ongoing impact of the history today in the U.S. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.  EVIDENCE REQUIRED for OUTLINE and FINAL PAPER:   _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 examples from primary source documents, 4 terms (see above), plus Constitution, Bill of Rights, and 1 film example from "Mary Silliman's War." Do not use the same terms as your primary source documents (no double counting); show your knowledge of the material. -- Put in black bold font the names of your documents, terms, and film in your paper -- ONLY bold in black the names of the evidence (name of document or author, name of terms, name of the film), NOT the sentence. This will help you ensure you have everything, and it also helps me see the evidence in your typed paper to grade faster and get the grades in more quickly. See the final paper assignment above and on the last page of the syllabus. To receive credit, you MUST use the assigned readings, including The American Promise textbook chapters, and the assigned versions of documents in Reading the American Past and/or the Handout Sets in Files in Canvas. -- In your paper, you MUST use correct page numbers in citations from the assigned readings for your 4 terms (on the syllabus from the relevant weeks and in The American Promise textbook chapters) and for your 4 document examples from Reading the American Past and/or the Handout Set(s) in Files in Canvas. -- (If you are using the Declaration of Independence for one of your document examples in the 2nd paragraph of the paper, then cite a page number from the Appendix in the back of The American Promise textbook.) -- See more information about required citation formatting in the Quoting and Citing section below. -- Accurate Evidence: -- You must use accurate evidence, citations, and correct page numbers from the assigned sources to receive credit. -- In a court of law, as you may know, falsifying evidence can result in severe penalties. -- Therefore, it's very important for students to learn and follow the rules of presenting accurate evidence. -- See additional information below for help in doing so.

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